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Aft Cockpit Sailboats Aluminum Sailboats Cabin Dinghies Center Cockpit Sailboats Classic Sailing Yachts Daysailers Deck Saloon Sailboats Junior and Youth Classes Lifting Keel Sailboats Luxury Sailing Yachts Maxi Yachts Minimalist Sailboats Motorsailers One-Design Racing Keelboats Performance Cruisers Pilothouse Sailboats Racing Dinghies Racing Multihulls Sailing Catamarans Sailing Superyachts Sailing Yacht Trimaran Sailboats Wooden Sailboats
(DEN) (FIN) 1720 Yachts (UK) 1960 2GM A & T Marine Services/Whisstock's Boatyard A F Platt Ltd. (UK) A Malcolm/Bute Slip Dock A-Yachts A. B. Radab (SWE) A. H. Moody & Son Ltd A. Hutchinson & Co/John Hildtich (IRELAND) A. J. Van Heygen (Bel) A. J. Van Heygen (NL) A. Jenson and Son (DEN) A. R. Luke/Elephant Boatyard (UK) A.J.S. Marine Service (UK) A.M. Dickie & Sons A/S Frederikssund skibsværft (DEN) A/S Nillings Bådeværft (DEN) A/S Nillings Bådeværft (DEN)/Gesten Glasfiber Bådeværft (DEN) AA Boats (FIN) Aages Boatbuilders AB Råå Båtvarv AB Väneröplast (SWE) Abbott Boats Inc. ABC Fabrikerna (SWE) Abeking & Rasmussen Able Marine (USA) Able Shipwrights Inc. (USA) Acheson Yachts (SA) Ackerman Boat Works/Dorchester Shipbuilding (USA) ACVA-Båt ACVA-Båt (SWE) Adams Yachts (AU) Adams Yachts & others ADH Inotec ADH Inotec (FRA) Admir Admiral Admiral Yachts (ZAF) Admiralty Yachts Adria (SLOV) Adria Sail Adriatic Yachts (USA) Advance Cruising Advance Sailboat Corp. (USA) Advanced Advanced Marine Tech (SKOR) Advanced Yachts (ITA) Adventure Yachts Aegean Marine Aegean Yacht Aeolos Composites AeroCraft (USA) Aerodyne Yachts Ltd. Aeromarine Plastics (USA) Aeronamics (NL) African Cats African Cats B.V. AGB Marine Agoni (DEN) Aira Boats Ajax (CAN) Alajuela Yacht Corp. Alan Feltham (UK) Alanson & Son (UK) Albatros Boats (GER) Alberto Cibil (ARG) Albin Marine Alcort (USA) Alden Yachts (USA) Alerion Yachts (USA) Alexander Marine (TAIWAN) Alibi Catamarans Allegro Båt AB (SWE) Allegro Båt AB/ Marieholms (SWE) Allegro Marin AB (SWE) Allen Boat Co. (USA) Alliaura Allied Boat Company Inc. (USA) Allmand Boats Inc.(USA) Allotts/Yachthaven Ltd. (UK) Allures Alo Yachts (NOR) Aloa Marine (FRA) Alpa Yachts (ITA) Alphena Alsberg Bros. (USA) Alsberg Brothers Boatworks Alubat Alubat (FRA) Alva Yachts Amapala Marine SA (HONDURAS) Amateur built from plans Amateur built to plans/Febris Marine Amateur or Professional Amateur or Professionally built to plans Amazon Yachts (CAN) AMC (Croisic Amel America Yacht Inc. (USA) American Boatbuilding Corp. (USA) American Fiberglass Corp. American Marine American Marine (HK) Stoll Shipyards(USA) American Marine (Hong Kong) American Marine Ltd. (HK) American Marine PTE (HK) American Mariner Industries American Mariner Industries (USA) American Sail Inc (USA) AMF Corp. Amigo Yachts (SWE) Amiot Naval (FRA) Amsterdam Shipyard G. de Vries Lentsch Ancom Marine Ltd. (CAN) Andaman Andante Marine Anderson Anderson Rigden & Perkins (UK) Angel Marine (TAIWAN) Anglesey Ltd Annapolis Custom Yachts (USA) Annapolis Sailboat Builders (USA) Anne Wever Anne Wever Shipyard (NL) Ansa Sailing AB (SWE) Anstey Yachts Ltd. (UK) Antares Yachts Antigua Yachts (USA) Antila Yachts (POLAND) Anything Boating (AUS) Aphrodite Yachts Aphrodite Yachts/Rex Marin Aquaboats/Aln Boatyard (UK) Aquadyne Boat Co. (USA) Aquafibre Ltd. Aquarius Sail Inc. Aquarius Yachts (AUS) Aquidneck Custom Inc (USA)/Alwoplast SA (CHL) Aquitaine Boat Works (FRA) Aragosa Yachts Arbor Yachts Archambault Boats (FRA) Arcoa (FRA) Arcona Yachts Arcona Yachts (Boo Marin AB) Aristocat Marine Ltd. (UK) Ark Yacht Arla Plastindustries/Norrlandsplast Arme Batt (NOR) Arme Batt (NOR)/Solna Marin (SWE) Artecna (FRA) Artekno OY (FIN) Artekno/Lito Marin (FIN) Arthur Taylor (UK) Arvika Plastic Ind. (SWE) Asmus KG Yachtbau Asmus KG Yachtbau (GER) Astillero Alpha SRL (ARG) Astillero Companili (ARG) Astillero Oceantech (ARG) Astillero Zimmermann (ARG) Astilleros Omega (ESP) Astilleros Pandora S.A. (AR) Astoria Marine Construction Co. (USA) Astus Astus Boats Atelier Composites de la Baie (FRA) Atlanta Bootsbau (GER) Atlanta Marine (UK) Atlantiv (GRE) Aubin (Chantier Aubin) Aura Yachts Aureus Auster Yachts Austin - Hopwood Boats (NZ) Austral Yachts Australian High Performance Catamarans available as plans Avallone (ITA) Avance Yachts Aventura Catamarans AX Boats (ESP) Aztec Yachts (CAN) Azuree Azzura Yachts International (USA) B Boats (USA) B-Yachts B-Yachts srl B2 Marine (FRA) Bachs Bådværft (DEN) Bachs Badverft (DEN) BACO Aluminium (Ravensbourne) Ltd. (UK) Baiguet Baker Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Balance Catamarans Balance Catmarans Balaton Boats (HUN) Bali Bali Catamarans Ballentines's Boat Shop (USA) Ballina Marine (ESP) Balt Yacht Baltic Yachts Bandholm Yachts Bangor Punta Corp. Bangor Ship Co. (IRE) Barbaros Teknecilik Barberis (Cantieri) Barbican Construction Ltd. Barbican Contruction Ltd. (UK) Barbican Yachts Constructions Ltd. Barefoot Enterprises (USA) Barnett Boats (USA) Barron Yachts (Aus) Baruffaldi Bashford & Howison (AUS) Bashford Howison Basin Boatcraft/Invader Marine (USA) Bateaux Archambault Bateaux Neptune (FRA) Bath Iron Works (USA) Bavaria Yachts Bavaria Yachts (GER) Bayfield Boat Yard Ltd. (CAN) Bayliner (Buccaneer/US Yachts) Bboats (USA) Beacon Boats Co. Ltd. (UK) BEACONAX Yachtbau GmbH Becker (SWE) Beckerbåt (SWE) Beetle Boat Co.(USA) Beetle Inc. Bell Woodworking Ltd. (UK) Bell Woodworking/plans available Bellamer (FIN) Bellena Marine (UK) Bellena Marine Ltd. (UK) Belliure Yachts Benello (ITA) Beneteau (FRA) Beneteau (USA) Beneteau Yachts Benjamin Hallock (USA) Bente Yachts Bente Yachts (GER) Berthon Boat Co. (UK) Bertil Bestevaer Yachts Betts Boats (James Betts Enterprises, Inc.) Betts Moulding Ltd. (UK) Bianca Yachts Biffoni (ITA) Bill Dodds Boats (USA) Bill O'Brian Catamarans (UK) Binks Yacht Constructions Birdyfish (FRA) Birka Marine (FIN) Bjarne Aas (NOR) Bjørn Abrahamsen BK Marin AB Black Pepper Black Sea Yachts Blake Marine Blanchard Boat Co. (USA) Blanks Boatyard (UK) Blondecell Bluboats Blue Bouy Yacht Co. Blue Jacket Yachts Blue Water Boatworks (USA) Blue Water Marine (AUS) Blue Water Yacht Builders Ltd. (TAIWAN) Blue Water Yachts Ltd. (UK) Blue Water/Holden Laminates (USA) Blue-Water Yachts (AUS)/Spencer FG Yachts (NZ) Bluewater Boat Company (USA) Boat Co. of Mystic (USA) Boat Co. of Mystic/Able Shipwrights/Recreation Marine Boatsman Sunsail BoatSmith (USA) Bock Boats (USA) Bolwell Fibreglass Bombardier Ltd. (CAN) Bonin (ITA) Bonito Craft Ltd (NZ) Boomaroo Yachts (AUS) Boomerang Yachts (AU) Bootswerft Thoma (Switzerland) Bora Yachts (POL) Boreal Boréal SARL (FRA) Borge Bringsvaerd (NOR) Börjesson Brothers Børresen Bådebyggeri Bossoms Boatyard Bossoms Boatyard (UK) Boston Whaler Boston Whaler (USA) Bothén Botved Boats (DEN) Bowman Yachts Bradwell/Trident Laminates Ltd. (UK) Brainard Boat Works/Zip Sloops Inc. (USA) Brandt-Moeller Bravura Yachts Inc. Breehorn (NL) Bremer Marine (USA) Brewers Boatyard (USA) Brian Carvill & Assoc. (UK) Bridgend Boat Co. Ltd. (GBR) Bridges Point Boatyard Bristol Boat Co. (USA) Bristol Yachtbuilding Co. (USA) Bristol Yachts Bristol Yachts/Sailstar Boats (USA) Broadblue Broadblue Catamarans Bröderna Börjesson (SWE) Bröderna Ohlson (SWE) Brofjordens Marin (DEN) Bruce Hopwood Yachts Ltd (NZ) Bruckmann Yachts (CAN) Bruno & Stillman (USA) Bruynzeel Fabrieken (NL) Bryken Boat Builders (Oregon Buchan Boat Co. Buckler Boat Co. (UK) Burger Boat Company (USA) Burnham Yacht Building Co./King and Sons (UK) Burns Boatyard (UK) among others Butler Boats Butler Boats (UK) or Home built Butler Mouldings Ltd. (UK) Buzzards Bay Boats Inc. (USA) C & S Boyd (IE) C-Catamarans C-Yacht C-Yachts/Compromis C. Bruynzeel (NL) C. E. Clark (GBR) C. E. Ryder C. W. Hood (USA) C&B Marine C&B Marine (USA) C&C Fiberglass Components C&C Yachts C&J Boatshop (USA)/Taylor Boatworks (CAN) C&L Boatworks C&L Marine C&L Marine Corp.(TAIWAN) Cabo Rico (CR) Cabo Rico Custom Yachts Cabrasmar (BRA) Cafe Yachts (FRA) Cal Boats Calgan Marine Ltd. (CAN) Caliber Yachts (USA) Calypso Sail Craft Camper & Nicholsons Can) Canadian Yacht Builders (CAN) Canados Cantiere Alaver (ITA) Cantiere Alto Adriatico Cantiere Nautico Cadei (ITA) Cantiere Navale 71 (ITA) Cantiere Sartini (ITA) Cantieri Ambrose Cantieri Dullia (ITA) Cantieri Italiani Cantieri Nautici (ITA) Cantieri Navali D'Este Cantieri NordEst (IT) Canvey Yacht Builders (UK) Cape Cod Shipbuilding Cape Cutter Marine Ltd Cape Dory Yachts Cape Dory Yachts (USA) Cape Fear Yacht Work (USA) Cape Foulweather Boats (USA) Cape George Marine Works Cape Marine/Windward Marine Ltd. (CAN) Cape Performance Sailing (South Africa) Cape Yachts (HK) Cape Yachts Ltd (HK) Capital Yachts Corp. Capital Yachts Inc. (USA) Captiva Yachts (USA) Caravela (UK) Carena Carlisle & Williams (UK)/Rank Marine Int. (UK) Carlson Marine (USA) Carrigaloe Gridiron & Works Co (IRELAND) Carrol Marine (USA) Carroll Marine Carter Offshore Cascade Yachts/Yacht Constructors Casey Boat Building Co. (USA) CastleCraft Cat Factory (USA) Cat Ketch Corp. (USA) Catalac / Tom Lack Catamarans Ltd. Catalina Catalina Yachts Catalina Yachts (USA) Catana Catana (FRA) Cavalier Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Cay Cat Manufacturing Inc. CBS Nautica Celestial Celtic Yachts Cenit Central Boating Services Central Shipyard (USA) Centro Nautico Adriatico Chaisson Boat Builders (USA) Challenger Yachts Corp. Challenger Yachts Corp. (USA) Challenger Yachts Ltd.(CAN) Channel Cutter Yachts Channel Yachts (RUS)) Chantier Le Guen-Hémidy (FRA) Chantier Metalu (FRA) chantier naval Amiguet (FRA) Chantier naval Rousillonnais (FRA) Chantier Ofcet Chantier Pouvreau (FRA) Chantier Quere (FRA) Chantier Rosewest Chantiers Le Guen-Hemidy (FRA) Chantiers Loctudy (FRA) Chantiers Maritimes de Paimpol et Fécamp Chantiers Navals de Normandie Chapman and Associates (USA) Charger Charles and Lindsey Cunningham Charles Ward (UK) Chaser Yachts (CAN) Cheetah International Cheoy Lee Shipyard Cheoy Lee Shipyard Ltd.(HK) Cherubini Yachts Chesapeake Light Craft Chesapeake Marine Industries (USA) Chesford Marine (UK) Chien Yu (TAIWAN) Chippendale Boats (UK) Chita Inc.(JAP) Chris Craft (USA) Chris Somner Dinghy Services (UK) Chris-Craft Chrysler Chrysler Marine Chrysler Marine (USA) Chrysler Marine Inc. (USA) Chung Hwa Boat (TAIWAN) Churchouse Boats LTD. Chute & Bixby (USA) Cirrus Raceboats Ltd. (UK) Clare Lallow (UK)/Carlini (ITA) Clark Boat Company Classic Boat (USA) John Lack (UK) Classic Boat Shop Classic Yachts Inc. (USA) Cleanport (SLOV) Cleatline Boats (USA) Clemens of Portsmouth (UK) Clipper Marine Clive Jeffries (AUSTRALIA) Clive Jeffries/Bonito Craft Ltd (NZ) Club Marine (FRA) CN Azuréen (FRA) CN Marine CNAC / Nautalu / Noralu CNB CNB (FRA) CNNT (ITA) CNSO (Constructions Nautiques du Sud-Ouest) Cnstr. Mécaniques de Normandie (FRA) Coastal Recreation Inc. Cobra Yachts Cobra Yachts (UK) Code Yachts (HUN) Cole & Wiggins (UK) Coleman Boat Co./Thomas D. Scott (USA) Collins Fibreglass (South Africa) Columbia Yachts Columbia Yachts (USA) Colvic Craft Com-Pac Yachts/ Hutchins Co. Comar Comar Yachts Comet Dinghies (UK) Comfortbåtar AB Comfortina Commodore Boats (USA) Commodore Corp. (USA) Commodore Yacht Corp. (USA) Compass Marine (CAN) Compass Yachts Ltd. (Australia/NZ) Compass/Anchor Marine Concept/Hyundai Concorde Yachts (THAILAND) Concordia Company (USA) Condor Limited (USA) Connecticut) Conrad Conrada (PL) Constellation Yachts (SRI LANKA) Construction Navale Franck Roy Constructions Mecaniques de Normandie (FRA) Contest Yachts Contest Yachts - Conyplex Continental Plastics Inc. (USA) Contour Yachts (CAN) Contrast Marine (SWE) Conyplex B.V. Cookson Boats (NZ) Cooper Enterprises Inc. (CAN) Cooper Yachts Copland Boats (UK) Corbin Les Bateaux (CAN) Corinthian Yachts Builders Inc. (USA) CORMORANT (FRA) Cormorant S.A. Chantier Navals (FRA) Cornish Crabbers Coronado Yachts Coronado Yachts (USA) Corsair Corsair Marine Corsair Sailcraft Corp. (USA) Costantini (Chantier Naval Costantini) Court Yachts (AUS) CPR (ITA) CR Yachts Craddock Fibreglass Ltd. (NZ) Crawford Boat Building (USA) Creative Marine Products (USA) Creekmore (USA) Creekmore Boats Creekmore Boats (USA) Crosby Yacht Building and Storage Co. (USA) Crown Marine Crown Marine (FIN) Crown Marine SA Crown Yachts (SWE) Cruachan Marine (Scotland) Crus Yachts (IT) Crystal Yacht Crytaliners Corp./Glassco Inc. (USA) CS Yachts (Canadian Sailcraft) CSC Composites (TURKEY) CSY (Caribbean Sailing Yachts) Cumulant Yachts Cure Marine Current Marine Custom Boats Custom Fiberglass International Custom Yachts of Hamilton (CAN) Customflex (USA) Cygnus Marine D. Blundell / Export Yachts Ltd. (NZ) D. Stone & Son (UK) D. Stone & Sons (UK) D.M. Russell Marine (UK) D’este (ITA) Dafy Duck Marine (USA) Dalpol Yacht Dan Webb and Feesy (UK) Danboat (DEN) Danboat (DEN)/Sanderson Plastic Boats Danboats (DEN) Dane-Craft (USA) Dantec Marine (DEN) Dart Sailboats Dash Marine Industries (USA) Dave Blundell/Export Yachts (NZ) David Cheverton & Partners(UK) David Cheverton Ltd. (UK) David Garrard Yacht Builder (UK) David Heritage Racing Yachts David Hillyard Yachts (UK) David Rose Yachts (AU) David Rose Yachts (AUS) Davis & Oberg (USA) Dawson Yacht Corp. (USA) De Dood (GER) De Visser Boatyard Deacons Boat Yard Ltd. Dean Catamarans (SA) Decision SA DeDood and Sohn Yacht und Boatwerks (GER) Degerö Yachts (FIN) Dehler Dehler Yachts Dekker & Sons (Jachtwerf F. Dekker en Zonen) Dekleer Brothers Industries Ltd. Delphia Delphia Yachts Delta Dinghies LTD (UK) Deltania Deltania Yachts GmbH Demon Yachts (UK) DEN Corp. (USA) Dencho Marine Deschamps Boat Yard (USA) Design Three (CAN) Devo Marine (NED) Devoti Sailing Dickerson Boatbuilders (USA) Dilks & Company (USA) Dinghy Sports Dinieper (BRA) Discovery Discovery Yachts Dixie Båtar Dixon Kerly Ltd. (UK) dk yachts Dock Plastics (UK) Dockrell Yachts Ltd. Dolphin Catamaran (BRA) Dolphin Catamarans Dolphin Sailboat Co. Domani Yachts Domani Yachts (Bel) Dominant Boatyard (SWE) Dorrance McClure (USA) Douglass & McLeod Down East Yachts (USA) Down East Yachts Inc. Dowrok Boats (NZ) Dragonfly Dreadnought Boatworks (USA) Drifter Marine Drifter Marine (USA) Dromor Yachts DS Yachts (Schwill Yachts) (CAN) Dufour Dufour Yachts (FRA) Dullia (ITA) Duncan Sutphen Inc. (USA) Dunphy Boat Corp. Dupuy Chautard (FRA) Durbeck's Inc. (USA) Dutch Craft Dyer Boats Dynamique Yachts (FRA) E & G McGruers E Yacht Builders (USA) E. G. van de Stadt E. G. van de Stadt (NED) E. Richard s.a. Eagle Marine (FIN) East Bay Boatworks (USA) East Coast Yachts (AU) East Coast Yachts (AUS) Easterly Yachts (USA) Eastsail Yachts EcoRacer Edel (FRA) Eden Boat Works (USA) Edey & Duff (USA) Edgar Young (USA) Edgecomb Marine Group (USA) Edo Western Corp. (USA) EF Marine (FIN) Eggel & Co. (SWE) Eichenlaub Boat Co. EISTA WHARF El Mar Boat Co. (USA) Elan Elan Yachts (SLO) Elephant Boatyard (UK) Eleva Yachts Elkin & Sons (GBR) Ellies's Boat Works (USA) Elliott Type Yachts/Eagle Yachts Emerald Bay Trading Co (TAIWAN) Emsworth Marine (UK) Emsworth Shipyard (UK) Endeavour Catamaran Corp. Endeavour Catamaran Corp. (USA) Endeavour International Corp. (USA) Endeavour J Yachts Ltd. (UK) Endeavour Yacht Corp. (USA) Endeavour Yachts (AUS) Eric Bergqvist Boatbuilder (UK) Eric Bergqvist/Salterns Boat Builders Ericson Yachts (USA) Erixon Techno Yachts (SWE) Ernest H. Hartge (USA) Ernst Hatecke (GER) Escape Sailboat Co. Esse Essence Yachts (NL) Essex Co. (USA) Esslinger & Abt Esslinger & Abt (GER) Etap Etap Yachting Euphoria Euphoria Yachts (TUR) Evan's Marine Craft (CAN)' Evanson (P.) Boat Co. (USA) Evasion Sailboats (CAN) Ever Ready Metal Company (UK) Everse Jachtwerf (NL) Evolution Yachts (UK) Evolution Yachts Ltd. (UK) Evolution Yachts Ltd. (UK)/Vela 77 (ITA) Evolution Yachts UK Ltd Excel Yachts of Sweden Excess Excess Catamarans Exe Fibercraft Ltd. (CAN) Export Yachts (NZ) Exsol (ITA) F. Rice (USA) F1 Glass Dev. Ltd.(UK) Fabola Boats (SWE) Fåborg Yachtværft (DEN) Fairey Allday Ltd. (UK) Fairey Marine Ltd Fairley/East Coast Yachts(AUSTRALIA) Fairlite Plastics/East Coast Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Fairways Marine (UK) Fairways Marine Ltd.(UK) Fales Yachts (USA)/Pearson Yachts Fales Yachts/Alden Yachts (USA) Family Boats (SWE) Fantasi Yachts (SWE) Far East Boat Co. Far East Yachts (JAP) Fareast Farrier Marine Farrier Marine (NZ) Farsø Glasfiber (DEN) Farsoe Glasfiber (DEN) Fassmer Shipyard/Bölte Shipyard Fast Yachts (BRA) Fastback Catamarans Fastnet Marine/Atlanta Marine (UK) Faurby Faurby Yachts A/S Feeling Fellows & Stewart/South Coast Co. (USA) Feltz Boote (GER) FF Boats/Vels Jachtbouw Fi-Craft / Cox Marine Ltd. (UK) Fibå-vene (FIN) Fibago Italia (ITA) Fiberform (USA) Fiberglas Technik (GERMANY) Fibocon (NED) Fibreglass Industries Field & Co. Fillip Manufacturing Co. (USA) Finback Marine Products Co.(USA) Finn Flyer Marina AB. (FI) Finngulf Finngulf (FIN) Finngulf Yachts Finnyacht First Cabin Marine Fisher Boat Company Fiskars (Fiskars AB ) Fisksätra Shipyard Fjord Plast Flaar Flaar Performance Sailing Flabria Flagman Yachts Flash Catamarans Florence Marine Int. (UK) Florida Bay Boat Co. (USA) Flying Dutchman Flying Eagle Boat Co. (CHINA) Flying Scot Folli Boats (LARIOVELA s.n.c.) Force Engineering (USA) Forgus Yachts (SWE) Form'Ocean Formosa Boat Building Co. Ltd. Formula Sailcraft (AUS) Formula Yachts (USA) Fountaine Pajot FR Boating (FRA) FRA) Franchini Frans Maas/Chantiers Vanek (FRA) Franz Maas Fratelli Marchi (ITA) Frauscher Boats Freedom Yacht Inc. Freedom Yachts Freedom Yachts Ltd. (USA) Freighter Industries (AUS) French & Webb Frers & Cibils (ARG) Fricke & Dannhus GmbH & Co KG Friendship Manufacturing Co. (USA) Friendship Yachts (NL) From Kits or Plans (GBR) from plans from plans for amateur builder from plans or kits Front Runner Boat Works Ft. Myers Yacht & Shipbuilding (USA) Fuji Yacht Builders Ltd. (JAP) Fulcrum Speedworks Furia Yachts (DRESPORT)(ESP) Fusion Sailboats Fyne Boat Kits (UK) G-Cat Multihulls G-Force Yachts G. A. Feltham (UK) G. F. Smeeth/Bure Marine (UK) G. G. Bådeværft (DEN) Gade Marine (GER) Gale Force (USA) Gallart Shipyard (Astilleros Gallart) Gannon Yachts (USA) Garaghty Marine (USA) Garcia Garcia Yachting (FRA) Garcia Yachts Gardas Marine (UK) Garrett Marine Inc. (USA) Gavia Yachts GDB Marine Ltd./Elizabethan Marine Gecco Marine (SWE) Gemico/Inter-Marine Corp General Boats (USA) George Mottle (AUSTRALIA) George Riberio Products/Miniature Marine (USA) George Stead Yachts (UK) Geraghty Marine (USA) Gib'sea/Gibert Marine (FRA) Gibbs Boat Co. (USA) Gig Harbor Boat Works Gilbert Yachts (CAN) Giles Reinforced Plastics/John Claridge Composites (UK) Gilmax Ltd. (UK) GJ Tech (AU) Glander Boats Inc. (USA) Glascade GRP Ltd./Reg Freeman Yachts Ltd. (UK) Glascraft by Fibre-Glass Industries Glasfiberbåt (SWE) Glass Yachts (AAUS) GLass Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Glass Yachts NZ GlassFab (USA) Glassline Products. Inc. (USA) GlasTec Products (Cleveland Glastron (USA) Glenmore Boats Ltd. (Alberta Globe Boatbuilding (TAIWAN) Globe Yacht Corp. (TAIWAN) Gloucester Yachts Gmach & Co. Ltd. (J. L. Gmach & Co.) Golden Era Boats (USA) Golden Hind Marine/Newson Boatbuilders Goman Boat Ltd. (CAN) GoodWood Boat Co. (UK) Gougeon Bros. Gouteron (Chantier) (FRA) Gozzard Yachts (North Castle Marine Ltd.) Grabner GmbH Grampian Marine Grampian Marine Ltd. (CAN) Granada Yachts (DEN) Grand Soleil Grand Soleil (Cantiere del Pardo) Graves Yacht Yard (USA) Gray Boats Inc. (USA) Great Bay Boat Works (USA) GreenBoats GreenBoats (GER) Greenport Basin & Construction Co. (USA) Greg Gregory (UK) Gruben Bootsbau GmbH (Ger) Gryphon Marine GT Yachts Gulf Coast Sailboats Gulf Marine (USA) Gulfstar Gulfstar Yachts Gulfstar Yachts (USA) Gulliver Sail Gunboat Gunfleet Gunfleet Marine Gunnar Orust (SWE) Guyline (SWE) H. Zorab and K Bourgonje (NL) Haber Yachts Hailex International (TAIWAN) Haines Hunter Hake Yachts (Seaward) Hakes Marine Hall & Hall (AUSTRALIA) Hallberg-Rassy Halman Manufacturing Co. Halmatic Ltd. Hank Hinckley Boat Builders Hans Christian Yachts Hansa Sailing Systems Hanse Hanse Yachts Hansson Boats AB (SWE) Hanstaiger HAPCO Marine Hardin International Hardin International Ltd. (TAIWAN) Harley Race Boats Harmony Yachts (FRA) Harris & Heacock Harry Feltham Harry Feltham Ltd. (UK) Harsil Industries (USA) Harstad Trawler Company (USA) Hartley / Home builder Hartley Boats Heavenly Cruising Yachts Ltd. (UK) Helms - Jack A. Helms Co. Helmsman Yachts Helmut Stöberl Helsingborgs Boatyard (SWE) Henry R. McCune, Shipbuilders Henry Scheel (USA) Henry Vink Boat Builders Pty Ltd (SA) Heritage Yacht Builders Co. Ltd. (CAN) Heritage Yacht Corp. (USA) Heritage Yachts Ltd. (AUSTRALIA) Hermansson & Kåbel (SWE) Herreshoff Mfg. Co. Heyman Yachts HeySea HH Catamarans Hilditch Hill & Cameron Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Hinckley Hinckley Yachts Hinterhoeller Yachts Ltd. Hinterholler Ltd. /Skene Boats Ltd. (CAN) Hitech Boats (AUS) HMS Marine (USA) Ho Hsing F.R.P. Co. Ltd., (TAIWAN) Ho Hsing FRP Co. Ltd. Hobie Cat Hodgdon Bros. (USA) Holby Marine Holiday Boat (PHI) Holiday Boats ( PHI) Holiday Yachts Inc. (NED) Holland Boat Co Holland Boat Company (NL) Holliday Yachts (USA) Holman & Pye Holstebro Plastværk Holstebro Plastværk A/S Holstebro Plastværk A/S (DEN) Holstebro Plastværk A/S; STB Honnor Marine Ltd. Hooks Yacht & Marine (USA) Hopwood Boats (NZ) HopYacht Horizon Yacht Co. (USA) Horizon Yacht Marine (USA) Hotfoot Boats (CAN) Howard Boats Howie Craft Plastics (USA) Howmar Boats Inc. HP Boats (SWE) HTL Fiberglass Ltd. (CAN) Hudson Custom Boats/Cheoy Lee Hudson Enterprise Ltd. Hudson Yacht Group Hughes Boat Works Huisman (Royal Huisman Shipyard) Hullmaster Boats Humboldt Bay Yachts (USA) Hunboat (HU) Hunter Boats Ltd. (UK) Hunter Marine (USA) Hurley Marine Ltd. Huromic Metal Ind. Ltd. Hutting Yachts Hutting Yachts (NL) Hutton Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Hvaler HVM Shipyard (NED) Hylas Hylas Yachts USA I. N. Fiberbåde A/S (DEN) I. N. Fiberbåde ApS (DEN) I.N. FIBERBÅDE (DEN) Ian Ridge (UK) Ib Hauge Nielsen (DEN) Ice Yachts Iceni Yachts (UK) ICL Engineering IDB Marine IDBmarine Illusion Yachts (USA) Imexus Yachts Impala Yachts (DEN) Independent Catamaran Independent Yachts Ltd. Ingvar Aronsson/Omega Yachts (SWE) Innovation Yachts Insieme Yachts Intercarene Shipyard (ITA) Interchem Engineers Ltd. (HK) Intermark Sailcraft ApS (DEN) International Composites (ITA) International Marine (USA) International Marine Corp. International Marine Japan Ltd. (JAP) International Yacht Corp. (USA) Intrepid Marine Services (USA) Investigator Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Investigator Yachts PTY.LTD.(AUS) Iona (USA) Ionic Irwin Yachts Irwin Yachts (CAN) Irwin Yachts (USA) Isaac Smith (USA) Island Packet Yachts Island Spirit Islander / Tradewind Yachts Islander Yachts (USA) ITA Catamarans Itacatamarans Italia Yachts Ithaca Yachts IW-Varvet (SWE) J & M. W. Yachts J Boats Tillotson Pearson (USA) J Composites (FRA) J D Marine (CAN) J J Marine Ltd. (UK) J. Christensen/Stamm Boat Co. (USA) J. Hilditch Carrickfergus J. Howard Perrine J.G.Fay & Co. J.J. Taylor and Sons Ltd. (CAN) J.O. Brown (USA) J.P. Magnum (FRA) J/Boats J&S Marine (AU)/Allan Bell (UK)/Panthercraft Jachtbouw - Sneek (NED) Jachtwerf Everse (NL) Jachtwerf Gebr. De Kloet BV Jachtwerf Heeg Jachtwerf Heeg (NED) Jachtwerf Starreveld Lemmer Friesland (NL) Jachtwerf Vennekens (BEL) Jack Kelly Yachts/Yu Ching (TAIWAN) Jack Watson (USA) Jaguar Yachts Jaguar Yachts Ltd. Jaguar Yachts Ltd. (UK) Jakobstads Båtvarv James N Miller & Sons Janus Inc.(USA) Jarkan Yachts (AU) Jarvis Newman Jarvis Newman Inc. (USA) Jeanneau Jeanneau (FRA) Jensen Marine (USA) Jensen Marine/Cal Boats Jeremy Rogers Ltd. JFA Yachts JG Marine Jibetech (USA) Jim Young Marine Ltd. (NZ) Jim Young or from plans Joe Adams (AU) Joel Johnson (Connecticut Joemarin OY (FIN) Johannsen Boat Works John Baker Ltd. John C. Beery/Basin Boatcraft (USA) John Duncanson John Hildtich (IRELAND) John Robertson Yachts (SA) John Robertsons Yachts Ltd. (SA) John Sears Ltd. (UK) Johnny and Hilary Spears Johnson Batar AB (SWE) Johnson Boat Works (USA) Jongert Jonmeri Jonmeri Yachts Jouët (FRA) JP Boats (UK) JPK Composites JPK Pacific Jupiter Yachts Jutahela OY (FIN) Juxta Mare Marine JuxtaMare Marine K & S Polyboats K de Komposites (ESP) K.R.Skentelbery & Sons Ltd.(UK) K.S Hill & Co. (AUSTRALIA) K&S Polyboats (NED) Kadey Krogen Yachts Kaiser Yachts KaiserWerft Kaiulani Sailing Vessels (USA) Kang Nam Shipbuilders (KOR) Kanter Yachts Kargard Boat & Engine Co. (USA) Karmin (USA) Keith Eade (NZ) Kells Corp. (USA) Kelly Kelly Craft Kelt Marine Kelt Marine (FRA) Kempthorne Boats (NZ) Kendall/Westsail (USA) Kennedy International Boats Ltd. (IRE) Kenner Boat Company Kerteminde bådebyg (DEN) Kettenburg Boats Keus Kha Shing Enterprise Co. Ltd. Kim Boote GmbH (GER) Kinetic Catamarans Kirby Marine (UK) Kirie (FRA) Kittelsens Baatbyggeri (NOR) Kiwi Boats (USA) Klaus Baess/Sandersens Plasticboats Klepper-Werke (GER) Klepper/Jürgen Hein (GER) KM Yachtbuilders Knutson Shipbuilding Corp. Knysna Yacht Knysna Yacht Company Kolibri Jachtbouw Koma Boats Ltd. (CAN) Kong & Halvorsen Marine & Engineering Kraken Yachts Kristtiansands Mek. Verksted (NOR) Krona Boats (SWE) Kruz Yachts Kufner Yachts Kungsörs Båtvarv AB Kvarnfallets Varv (SWE) Kyung-Il Yacht (KOREA) Kyung-Il Yachts (KOREA) L and L Yachts La Prairie (FRANCE) La Roche Yacht Ltd. (CAN) Lagoon Lagoon Catamaran Laguna Yachts Lakeland Plastics (UK) Lamb & O’Connell (USA) Laminex Industries (USA) Lanaverre (FRA) Lancer Yacht Corp. (USA) Landamores Yacht Builders (UK) Länsivene Oy Lasco Marine (USA) Laser Performance LaserPerformance Latitude 46 Latitude 46 (FRA) Lawley (George Lawley & Son) LBI (USA) Le Breton Le Comte (NED) Le Guen-Hemidy (FRA) Le Petit Bateau S.a.S (ITA) Lear Siegler Inc. Lear Siegler Marine (USA) LeComte Yachts Left Coast Development Leisure Yachts Leisure-Time Fiberglass Products (USA) Leon F. Irish Co. (USA) Leonardo Yachts Leonardo Yachts (NL) Leonid Teligi Marine Shipyard Leopard Lewin Lewin/FF Boats Leyere Boatworks (USA) Liberty Yachts (USA) Lidköpings Båtsnickeri Lidköpings Båtsnickeri AB (SWE) Lien Hwa Industrial Corp. Lifeline Moulding Co Ltd (UK) Lightwave Yachts Lillia (Cantiere Nautico Lillia) Limimetalli Lindenberg Yachts Lindsey Yacht Corp. (USA) Linjett Boats (Rosättra Båtvarv) Lion Yacht Lion Yacht (LAT) Lippincott Boat Works (USA) Lite Boat Lito Marin (FIN) Little Harbor Yachts LM Glasfiber (DEN) Lockley Newport Boats (USA) Lofland Sail-craft Inc.(USA) Lord Nelson Yachts Lotus Yachts (NZ) Lotus Yachts/NZ Yachts (NZ) Ltd. Luders Marine Construction Luders Marine Construction Co. Luders Marine Construction Co.(USA) Luders Marine Contruction (USA) Luedtke Brothers (USA) Luffe Yachts (DEN) Luger Industries (USA) Luke, Paul E. Luna Yachts Luna Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Lyman Morse (USA) Lyman Morse Boatbuilding (USA) Lyman-Morse Lymington Slipway & Engineering Co. (UK) Lynaes Shipyard (SWE) Lytton Boatbuilding Ltd.(UK) M Boats (ARG) M-Yachts M.A.T. M.A.T. Sailing Yachts Mabi Yachts (SWE) Macdev Boat Builders Macgregor Yacht Corp Macgregor Yacht Corp. (USA) MacKay Boats Ltd. Macwester Marine Co. Ltd. (UK) Madden & Lewis (USA) Mader Bootswerft Maestro Maestro Boats (FIN) Magnum Yacht Association Maine Maine Cat Maison Marine (AUS)/Peninsula Yachts (AUS) Mallard (Chantier Mallard) Malö Malö Yachts (SWE) Mamba Boats (SWE) Mantra Manuel Nunes & Sons (USA) Many Mao Ta Shipyard Mao Ta Shipyard (TAIWAN) Marcus Lewis (UK) Marée Haute Marée Haute (FRA) Marieholm Boats (SWE) Marin Form (FIN) Marina-Werft GmbH & Co. KG Marine Concepts (USA) Marine Construction Ltd. (UK) Marine Glass Ltd (Scot.) Marine Innovators (USA) Marine Plastics Ltd. (UK) Marine Products Ltd. (UK) Marine Projects (UK) Marine Projects Ltd Marine Projects Ltd. (UK) Marine Trading International (TAIWAN) Mariner Construções Náuticas Ltd. (BRA) Mariner Yacht Co. (USA) Mariner Yachts Mark Lindsay Mark Lindsay (USA) Mark Marine Inc. (USA) Mark-O Custom Boats (USA) Markos Yachts (CAN) Marlow-Hunter Marsaudon Composites (FRA) Marshall Marine Corp. Marstrom Composite AB Marten Marine Industries Ltd. Marten Yachts Martha's Vineyard Shipyard (USA) Martha's Vinyard Shipyard (USA) Martin Monson (USA) Martin Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Martinoli Marine Maryola Shipyards (ESP) Mascot Boats (DEN) Master Marine (UK) Matrix Marine/Wilmette Boat Works (USA) Mattia Maverick Yachts Maverick Yachts Ltd. Max Cruise Marine (VNM) Maxi Maxi Dolphin Maxi Dolphin Boatyard (ITA) Maxi Yachts (SWE) Maxim Marine (UK) Maxim Marine Ltd. (UK) May Flower Yachts (TAIWAN) Mayflower Boatyards (Taiwan) Mayrack Marine/Hutton Yachts Mboats International (NOR) MC Tec shipyard (TUN) McAllister MCB (SWE) McConaghy Boats McDell Marine (NZ) McGruer McGruer & Clark McKeown of Belfast (IRELAND) McLaughlin Boat Works MCP Yachts McVay Fiberglass Yachts Ltd. Mean Marine Mediter Yachts Melen Marine Ltd.(USA) Melges Performance Sailboats Melon Marine (USA) Menger Boatworks (USA) Mercator Mercator Industries Merit Marine Inc. Meta Metalmast Marine MF-Trading (FIN) MFG Boat Company (USA) MFH MFH Maritime Faserverbundtechnik GmbH & Co. KG MG Marine (USA) Micro-Boats (DEN) Midocean Marine Penryn (UK) Midship Boat Services Ltd. (UK) Midship Yacht Co. (USA) Migrator Yachts Miguel Solér (SWE) Mikulas Maritime (CZE) / Gemini (POL) Mill River Boat Works (USA) Miller Marine Corp. (USA) Millimeter Marine (USA) Milton Boat Yards/Thomas D. Scott (USA) MiniCat Mirage Mirage Mfg. (USA) Mirage Yachts Ltd (CAN) Mirror Boats (UK) Mishi Yachts Mistral Composites Mistral Sailboats Inc. (CAN) Mitchell & Sons (UK) Mitchells of Poole (UK) Mobjack Manufacturing (USA) Mobjack Manufacturing Corp. Modern Concept Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Modern Concept Yachts (NZ) Modular Moldings (UK) MODX Molded Products Company Molich Shipyard Momenta Yachts Monarch Boats (USA) Monarch Crescent AB (SWE) Monark Montgomery Marine Products Moody Moody Yachts (A. H. Moody & Sons) Moody's / P.P. Marine Sales (GBR) Moon Yacht Mooney Marine Inc. (USA Moonraker Marine Ltd. (NZ) Moore Sailboats More Boats More Yachts Moreton Marine Productions (UK) Morgan Mosenthal Marine (SA) Morgan Yachts Morgan Yachts (USA) Morgan-Giles (UK) Morgan-Giles Ltd.(UK) Morris & Leavett Morris Yachts Morton Johnson (USA) Motala Boatyard (SWE) Motiva Yachts Mount Desert Yacht Yard Multido (FRA) MultiGlass (BRAZIL) MultiHulls Direct Corp. Multiplast Mylius Yachts Mylius Yachts (ITA) Mylne & Co. (IRELAND) Mystere Composites Mystic Yachts N Fun Yachting NaBoats (FIN) NaBoats/Tabasco Marine (FIN) NACRA Catamarans Najad Najad Yachts (SWE) Narragansett Bay Yacht Yard (USA) Nash Industries (CAN) Nauset Marine (USA) Nauta Astilleros (ESP) Nautiber SA (ESP) Nautica Boats (POLAND) Nautical Development Corp. Nautical Fiberglass Nauticat Nauticat - Siltala Yachts Nautilus (ARG) Nautitech Nautitech Catamarans (FRA) Nautivela (ITA) Nautivela Shipyard (ARG) Nautor Nautor (Swan sailboats) Nautor Swan Naval Force 3 (FRA) Navimor/Conrad (POL) Nebe Boats (SA) Nebe Boatworks (South Africa) Neel Trimarans Neil Marine (Neil Fernando & Co. Pvt. Ltd.) Neil Thompson Boats Nelson Marine (DEN) Neo Yachts Neptun Yachten Neptun Yachten GmbH Neptune Domazan Nereia Yachts (USA) Nevins Inc. New Bombay Trading (USA) New Bombay Trading Co. (USA) New Japan Yacht Co. Ltd. New Orleans Marine Newbridge Boats Ltd. (UK) Nicanders Båtvarv (SWE) Niccolò Puccinelli (ITA) Nick Truman Yachts (UK) Nickels Boat Works Inc. (USA) Nillings Bådeværft Nillings Bådeværft (DEN) Nimble Boats Works Inc. (USA) NLcomp Nor'Sea Marine (USA) Nor'Star Fiberglass Yachts (USA) Nor'west Yachts (USA) Norbert Kramer (USA) Nordborg Baadebyggeri A/S Nordborg Bådebyggeri A/S Nordcantieri (ITA) Nordhavn Yachts Nordia Nordic Yachts Nordic Yachts/Uniflite Nordship Nordship Yachts ApS Norman Cruisers (UK) Normand Boatyard (UK) Norrlandsplast NorseBoat Norseman Marine (SA) Norseman Yachts Inc. Norseman Yachts Inc./Shing Sheng (TAIWAN) Norstar Yachts Inc. (USA) North American Fiberglass Moulding(CAN) North Beach Yachts (POL) North Coast Marine & Engineering Ltd. (CAN) North Coast Yachts North Coast Yachts (USA) North Cornwall Marine (UK) North End Marine North Fraser Yachts North Sea Craft (Samphire) North Star Yachts Ltd.(CAN) North Wind North Wind Yachts (AUS) North Wind Yachts (ESP) Northcoast Yachts Northern Light Northern Yachts (CAN) Northern Yachts (USA) Northern Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Northman Northman Shipyard (PL) Northshore Marine Northshore Marine (USA) Northshore Yachts (AUS) Northshore Yachts (UK) Northwest Yacht Constructors Ltd. (USA) Norverk Marin (DEN) Norway (1977) Novatecnia (ARG) Nowak and Williams Nunn Brothers (UK) Nyboat (DEN) Nye Yachts (CAN) Nykra Oy Ab (FIN) O Yachts O'Day Corp. O'Day Corp. (USA) Ocean Play Ocean Quality Systems Ocean Rider Catamarans Ocean Yachts (ESP) Ocean Yachts / Sumner Boat Co. (USA) Oceancraft (UK) Oceanic/Parkscraft (AUS) Oceanlake Marine Oceantech (ARG) Ockelbo Shipyard (SWE) Ocqueteau (FRA) Ocqueteu Odensfors (SWE) Odin Fors Boatbuilding Offshore Yachts Offshore Yachts Ltd. (UK) OH Ohlson Brothers Ohlson Yachts OL Boats (DK) Olea Composite (FRA) Olsen Marine Products (USA) Olympic Marine Olympic Marine (GREECE) Olympic Yachtcraft Corp. (CAN) Olympic Yachts Omavalmiste One Design Composites One Design Yachting (TURKEY) Ontario Yachts Ontario Yachts (CAN) Open Sailing Inc. (USA) Opus værft (DEN) Oracle Racing Team Orion Yacht-Artimus Corp (USA) Ostia Canados Shipyards (ITA) Ott Yacht (GER) Otto Nielsen Outbound Yachts Outremer Outremer (Atelier Outremer) Outrigger Boat Co. (USA) Outsail Ouyang Boat Works (CAN) Ovington Boats Ltd. Owens Yacht Company Oxford Boatyard Co. (USA) OY Kinetik OY Nykra (FIN) OY Nykra AB (FIN) Oyster Oyster Marine P. Evanson Boat C. (USA) P. Y. Plastics Ltd. (CAN) Pacer Yachts - South Africa Pacesetter Yachts (AUS) Paceship Yachts Ltd. Pacific Boat Works Pacific Coast Boat Works (CAN) Pacific Dolphin Inc. (USA) Pacific Marina Boatworks (USA) Pacific Seacraft Palmer Johnson (USA) Palmer Scott & Co. (USA) Palmer Scott & Co. Inc. (USA) Pan Oceanic Marine. Pantawee Marine Co. Panthercraft Ltd. (UK) Parca Marin (SWE) Parker Dawson Yachts (USA) Parker River Marine / J.R.Duplin Marine Parker Yachts (UK) Passage Boat Builder Passport Yachts Pauger Carbon Ltd. Paul Whiting (NZ) PDQ Yachts (CAN) Pearson Brothers (UK) Pearson Composites Pearson Yachts Pearson Yachts (USA) Pegasus Yachts Pegasus Yachts (SLO) Pelagic Yachts Pendleton Yacht Yard Penn Yan Boat Company Penryn Boatbuilding Co. (UK) Performance Catamarans Inc. Performance Cruising Performance Sailcraft Perkins Boat Co. (USA) Persico Marine (ITA) Pert Lowell Co. Peter Bjørn Olsen (DEN) Peter Bruun (DEN) Peter Fletcher Peter Milner Yachts Peter Webster Ltd. Petersen's Fiberglas Boats Petticrows (UK) Phantom International Phantom Yachtbau Genzel Phantom Yachts (AUS) Pheon Yachts Ltd. (UK) Phil Herting/Condor Ltd. Phil Medley Philbrook's Boatyard (CAN) Phileas Boats (FRA) Philips and Sons Ltd. (UK) Phoenix Marine Pijnen Jachtbouw (NL) Pinnacle Design Group Plans available from designer Plans for hard and soft chine Plans for home builder plans from designer Plans or sold as kits Plans sold by designer PlastiGlass Co. Plasto GmbH & Co. PlasTrend (USA) Plastrend / Composite Technologies Platinum Yachting/ Rock Run Yachts (UK) Pleasant Bay Boat & Spar Co. Plycraft (UK) Plywood Fabricators Ltd. (CAN) Pogo POGO Structures Pointer Yachts (UK) Polar Yacht (FIN) Polaris Yachts (ITA) Politi Costruzioni Nautiche (IT) Polymarin (NL) Polymore (NL) Polysier SA (ESP) Ponant Serv. (FRA) Porali Marin AB (SWE) Porter & Haylett (UK) Porter and Haylett (UK) Porter Brothers (UK) Portland Yacht Yard (Portland Portsmouth Marine Portwind Sailboats Poul Oddersborg (DEN) Pouvreau (FRA) Prairie Boat Works (USA) Precision Boat Works Precourt (CAN) Premier Composite Technologies Premier Composite Technologies (DUB) Premier Composite Technologies (DUBAI) President Marine Ltd. (TAIWAN) Preste Yachts Prestige Yachts International (AU) primarily amateur built Princess Yachts (AUS) Prindle Catamarans Prins Zeiljachten (NL) Privilege Privilege Catamarans Production Yachts (Scotland) Production Yachts Ltd Progressive Yachts (ITA) Project Marine Projection Yachts (UK) Projektowanie i Budowa Jachtów Pronavia Marine AB (SWE) Proteus Yachts (ITA) Prout & Sons Pruva Yachting PSI Yachts (Durban Puffin Paints and Glues (UK) Puma Yachts (Nao-Glass)(ESP) Puzzle Marine Pyramid Boat Works Quanta Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Queen Long Marine Queen Long Matire Co. Ltd. Quickstep Sailboats (USA) Quincy Adams Yacht Yard Quorning Boats R. C. Marine (UK) R. Fung Ltd. (HK) R. J. Prior & Son R. J. Prior & Son Ltd. (UK) Raider Yachts Inc. (USA) Rainbow Boat Co. (USA) Randy Reynolds (USA) Ranger Boat Co.(USA) Ranger Fiberglass Boats (USA) Ranger Yachts (USA) Rapido Trimarans Rawson (Ron Rawson, Inc.) Ray Greene & Co. Rayvin Yachts (SA) Rebel Industries Rebel Industries (USA) Recreational Products (USA) Reedcraft Ltd/R. Moore & Son. (UK) Reedling Yachts (UK) Reese Marine Reg Freeman Yachts Ltd. (UK) Regatta Plastics (USA) Regatta Plastics Co. (USA) Regina Regina of Vindö Yachts AB Reid Marine (UK) Reinell Boat Works Reisinger Marine (USA) Reliance Sailing Craft Co. Reliant Yachts Renkin (USA) Rethana Yachts Rex Marin Rex Marin (SWE) Rex Marin / Ansa Sailing AB (SWE) Rhebergen Multihulls (DEN) Rice Brothers (USA) Richard Jordan Marine Ltd. (UK) Richmond Marine (UK) Richmond Marine Ltd. Ridas Yacht Ridas Yachts (ESTONIA) Rigden & Perkins (UK) Rinaldi (Cantiere Rinaldi) Ring Marine (UK) Rival/Bowman (UK) RM Yachts RM Yachts (FRA) Rob Legg Yachts Ltd. Robert E. Derecktor Inc. Robert Ives (UK) Robert Ives Ltd. (UK) Robert Ives/Falmouth Boat Construction Roberts & Matthews (USA) Robertson & Caine Robertson and Caine Robertson and Sons Ltd. Robin Fung Co. Ltd. (HK) Robinhood Marine Center Rocket Boats Roebuck & Co. Roger Land Yachts/Jim Young Marine Ltd. (NZ) Rondar Raceboats Rosewest Rosewest (FR) Ross Marine Ross Marine (AUSTRALIA) Ross Marine (NZ) Rossiter Yachts Ltd. Roughwater Boats Row&Sail GmbH (AUT) Royal Cape Catamarans Royal Marine (USA) Royal Sailboats Co. (USA) Royal System Yacht Yard (DEN) RPD (ITA) RS Sailing RSC Yachts Ruiz Franquelo (ESP) Russell Marine Ltd. Russell Yachts (USA) Rustler Yachts Rustler Yachts Ltd. Rydgeway Marine Ltd S-2 Yachts S.A.R.L Nautisme (FRA) S.P.B.I. (FRA) S&R Marine (USA) S2 Yachts S2 Yachts (USA) Saare Saare Yachts Sabre Yachts (USA) Sabre Yachts Australia Pty. Ltd. Sadler & Son (UK) Sadler Yachts Saffier Saffier Yachts Saga Marine Sage Marine (USA) Sail Craft Ltd. (CAN) Sail Craft of Canada Ltd. SAILART Sailcraft Ltd. (UK) Sailcrafter (USA) Sailcrafter Yachts (USA) Sailstar Boat Co. (USA) Salona Salona Yachts (AD Boats Ltd.) Salt Marine Inc. (USA) Sam L. Morse Co. (USA) Samuel Newey (USA) Sandersen Plastic boats Sandstream Yachts (CAN) Sandwich Yacht (UK) Santa Cruz Yachts Santarelli (ITA) Saphire AG SARA SARCH COMPOSITES SL Saroca Corp. Sartini (ITA) Saturn Saturn yachts Saturn Yachts Ltd. (UK) Scalar Scandi Yacht (FIN) Scandia Boatyard (SWE) Scandia Plast Boatworks (NOR) Scandinavia Yachts (POL) Scanyacht Scanyacht AB Scarano Boat Building Scepter Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Scheel Marine (USA) Scheepsbouw de Visser B.V. (NL) Schock W.D. Scholtz Marine (SOUTH AFRICA) Schuchter Sportboot Scorpio Yachts (CAN) Sea Crown Marine (USA) Sea Island Boatworks (USA) Sea Nymph Boats Ltd. (NZ) Seabus Seacraft International (PHL) Seafarer Yachts Seaglass (UK) Seago Corp. (USA) Seahawk (USA) Seair Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Seaman Seacraft Co Seamaster Seamaster Ltd. (UK) Seaquest Yachts Sears, Roebuck & Co. Seascape (SLOV) Seastream Yachts Ltd. (UK) Seaton Seaway Yachts/G. Baker (AUSTRALIA) SeaWind Catamarans Seawind Catamarans (AUS) Seawolf Yachts Ltd. Sedna Yachts Segmo-båt ab (Swe) Seidelmann Yachts Seidelmann Yachts (USA) Select Yacht Group Ltd. (UK) Select Yachts (UK) Sen Koh Ship Builders (TAIWAN) Sen Koh Shipbuilding Co. (TAIWAN) Sentinel Boats Sero Innovation Ses Yachts Seth Perrson (USA) Shanghai Double Happiness Yacht Co. Ltd Shannon Yachts Shing Fa Boatbuilding Co. Shipbuilders Shipman Shogun Yachts Shumway Marine (USA) SIBMA Navale Italiana Sibma Navale Naviking (FRA) Siddons & Sindle Siddons & Sindle (USA) Sidney Company (USA) Sierp de Vries (NED) Sigma Sailcraft Co.(USA) Sigma Yachts (UK) Silverline Boats (USA) Simpson Mfg. Co. (CAN) Sinergia Composites (ESP) Sino American Yacht Industrial Co. Sirena Marine Sirena Yachts/Lito Marin (FIN) Sirius Sirius -Werft GmbH Sirocco Boatworks Ltd. (CAN) Sjaelland Rund (DEN) Skaneateles Boat & Canoe Co. Skene Boats Ltd. (CAN) SKIMMAR BOATS, Aero-Nautical, Inc Skookum Marine (USA) SL Performance Race Boats GmbH Sly Sly Yachts (ITA) SLYDER Catamarans Small Craft (GBR) Smallcraft Ltd.(UK) Smallcraft of Blockley (UK) SMAP Neptune (FRA) Smith's Boatyard (NZ) Snapir Sailing Craft Ltd. Snark Sailboats (Meyers Boat Co.) Snug Harbor Boat Works (USA) Sobusiak Yacht Yard Sobusiak Yacht Yard (PL) SOCA Sailboats Ltd. Sol Catamarans (USA) SOL Marine (SLOV) Solaris Solaris Yachts (Italy) Sold as plans Solna Marine (SWE) Solus Boats (DEN) Sonata Yachts (AUS) Sonic Sailboats Ltd. (CAN) Soubise (FRA) Sound Boatbuilders (USA) Sound Marine Construction Co. (USA) South Africa) South Coast Boat Building Co. (USA) South Coast Fiberglass Products (USA) South Coast Marine (UK) South Coast Seacraft Co. South Coast Yachts (AU) South Coast Yachts (AUSTRALIA) South Devon Boatbuilders (UK) South Hants Engineering South Jersey Yacht Building Co. South Pacific (NZ) Southcoast Boat Works (IRE) Southcoast Boats (USA) Southerly Southerly Yachts (UK) Southern Boat Building (UK) Southern Ocean Shipyard Ltd. (UK) Southern Sails Inc. (US) Southern Sails Inc. (USA) Southern Wind Southern Yacht (USA) Southport Island Marine (USA) Southport Marine Island LLC Sovereign Yachts (Custom Fiberglass Products) Soverel Marine (USA) Spair Marine (FRA) Spaulding Boat Works Spencer Boats Ltd. Spindrift (USA) Spindrift One Designs/Rebel Industries (USA) Spindrift Yacht Inc. (CAN) Marina Bracuhy (BR) Spirit Spirit Yacht (Belgium) Spirit Yachts (UK) Spirited Designs SQ Yachts (GER) Squalt Marine St. Francis Marine St. Lawrence Boat Co. Stamas Yachts Inc. (USA) Standard Boat Works (USA) Standfast Yachts Star Marine (CAN) Starcraft Marine Starrat & Jenks (USA) Starratt & Jenks Starwind (USA) Stebbings & Sons (UK) Stellar Technology (USA) Step Marine/C.C. Chen Boatyard Stephens Bros. Boat Builders Stephenson Sailboats (AUSTRALIA) Stevenson Sailboats Pty. Ltd. (AUS) Stiletto Catamarans (Force Engineering) Stirling Boats Stoddart Bros Marine (AU) Stoner Boat Works (USA) Storebro Bruk AB (SWE) Storm Stroudwater Boatworks Stuart Marine Stuart Yachtbuilding Ltd. (UK) Stur-Dee Boat Co. Stur-dee Boat Co. (USA) SUDPLAST (BWC Illmensee) Summit Yachts Summit Yachts (USA) Sumner Boat Co. (USA) Sumplast Sun Yachts (POL) Sun Yachts Ltd. (UK) Sunbeam Yachts Sunbeam Yachts - Schöchl Yachtbau Sundowner Marine Corp./Alizé Marine Sundsör’s Ship Yard(SWE)/Eggers (GER) Sunreef Yachts Sunspot Plastics Inc. (CAN) Sunward Yachts/Bennett Bros. Yachts (USA) Super Sail Pty. Ltd. (Australia) Supernova Leisure Equipment (SIN) Surfliner Corp. (USA) Sussex Yacht Works (UK) Sven Svendsen's Boat Works(USA) SVP Yachts/ Shipman Yachts (Ukraine) Swallow Yachts Swallow Yahcts Swanson Brothers (AUS) Swarbrick & Swarbrick Sweden Yachts Swell Catamarans (UK) Swissсat Yachts Sydkystens Bådebyggeri Sydney Yachts Sydney Yachts/Bashford Int. Sylvana Yachts Inc. T-Yachts (ITA) T. Heard (UK) Ta Chaio Shipbuilding Co. (TAIWAN) Ta Chiao (TAIWAN) Ta Chiao Shipbuilding Co. (TAIWAN) Ta Shing Yacht Building Ltd. Ta Shing Yacht Buildling (TAIWAN) Ta Yang Ta Yang Yacht Building Co. Ltd. Tabasco Marine (FIN) Tango Yachting (POLAND) Tanzer Industries Ltd. Tanzer Industries Ltd. (CAN) Targa Yachts (FIN) Tartan Tartan Marine Tartan Marine (USA) Tåsinge Glasfiber (DEN) Tåsinge Glasfiber A/S (DEN) Tasman Yachts (AUSTRALIA) Tasman Yachts (NZ) Taylor (ESP) TB-Yacht (SWE) Techno Yachts (SWE) Tecnicas & Regatas Ted Hermann's Boat Shop Teliga Yachts (POL) Tes Sailboats (POLAND) Tes Yacht Texas Marine International (USA) Thames Marine (UK) The Landing School (USA) The Matthews Co. (USA) The Multihull Centre The Rainbow Company (USA) The Willard Company (USA) Theo Smith/Woodnutts (UK) Thompson Boatworks Thorkild Lind Threestrokes Ltd. (UK) Tiberias Marine (USA) Ticon Yachts Ltd. Ticon Yachts Ltd. (CAN) Tidewater Boats (USA) Tillotson Pearson Inc Timeless Marine (USA) Timpenny Yachts (AU) Tiwal TomCat Boats (CAN) Top Sail Yachts Inc. (USA) Topcat GmbH Topper Topper International Topper International (GB) Tor Yachts Ltd. (JAP) Torpen Marine (CHINA) Tosca Marine (SA) TPI Composites Tradewind Yachts (NL) Tradewinds Marine Tradition Marine Tradition Yachts (USA) Traditional Yachts (AUS) Transpacific Marine Ltd. (TAIWAN) Transworld Boat Building Co. (TAIWAN) Trapper Yachts (UK) Trecarne Boats (UK) Tree Seas/CC Chen (TAIWAN) Tremelino Boat Co. (USA) Trevor Kirby/Harviglass (UK) TRiAKsports Tricat Trident Marine Ltd. (UK) Trimax Yachts NV Trinity Marine (SWE) Trintella Yachts Trio Boats (SWE) Tropic Trailer Yachts (AUSTRALIA) TRT Multihulls (NOR) Truant Marine Truant Marine (CAN) Trump Yachts Tufa Marin Turner Marine (USA) Turun Teräskaluste (FIN) Turun Viviestamo (FIN) Tyler Boat Co. Ltd. (UK) Tylercraft (USA) UFO Boats (ITA) UK Ultimate Sailboats Uniflite Corp. Uniflite Inc. (USA) Union River Boat Co. (USA) Union Yacht Co. (Tiawan) United Ocean Industries (TAIWAN) Universal Marine Corp. (USA) Universal Marine Ltd. (TAIWAN) Upham (UK) (J. W. and A. Upham Ltd.) US Yachts - Bayliner (USA) US Yachts Inc. v d Rest Nautic bv Vaan Yachts Vagabond Boats (USA) Valiant Yachts (USA) Valmark (USA) Van Dam Nordia Shipyard Van de Stadt Van Munster Boats Vancouver 25 Yacht Co. Inc. (CAN) Vander Craft (UK) Vandestadt and McGruer Ltd. (CAN) Vanguard Vanguard (USA) Vanguard Sailboats (USA) Varianta Various Various - Kits available Various - mostly amateur built Various amateur or professional Various builders. See notes below. Various from kits various from plans Various home and professional Various home builders Various home built Various home or professionally built Various owner built Various-Amateur constr. Various. Plans available. See links below. Various. Plans for home builder. Various. Plans for home builders Various/Blanchard Boat Co. Varne Marine Ltd. (UK) Varne Marine Ltd. / Weston Boats (UK) Vashon Boat Works Västerås Hardplast Vaxholm Komposit for Z Yachts (SWE) VEB Yachtwerft / BTM Marine (GER) Vector Veleiro Ventura Sport Boats Ventus Yachts (TUR) VERF (EST) Verlvale Ltd. Vervale Yachts Viator Marine Victoire Yachts (NL) Victoria Marine (UK) Victoria Yachts Co. (USA) Viko Yachts Viko Yachts (POLAND) Viksund (NOR) Vindo (Nötesund Varv AB) Vindö Marin AB (SWE) Vintage Boat Co./Americat (USA) Viper Raceboats (USA) Vision Yachts Vision Yachts (SA) Vismara Marine (ITA) Vokrug Sveta Vorkrug Sveta Vortex Model Engineering (USA) Voyage Yachts Voyager Marine Inc. (USA) Voyager Yachts (AUSTRALIA) W Raceboats W. A. Chapman W. B. Stearns (USA) W. D. Schock Corp.(USA) W. H. Rowlands Waarschip Werft Walloon Marine (USA) Wally Yachts Walsteds Baadeværft Walter Lawrence & Son Ltd. (UK) Warren Products (USA) Warrior Catamarans (USA) WASA Wasa Yachts Waterline Systems LLC Watkins Yachts Wauquiez Boats Wauquiez, Henri (Chantier) Wave Catamarans Waveform Yachts/Voyager Yachts/Epoch Marine Waverider Corp (USA) Wayfarer Yacht Corp. (USA) Weatherly Yachts Weathermark Sailboats Weeks Yacht Yard (USA) Wegu (GER/CAN) Weikert Leichtmetallbau (GER) Wellington Boats Inc. Wellington Boats Inc. (USA) Werf Gusto Westerly Marine (US) Westerly Marine Construction Ltd. Westerly Marine Ltd. (UK) Western Approaches Yachts (UK) Westfield Engineering Co. (Marine) Ltd. Westphal Boats Inc. (USA) Westsail Corporation (USA) Westsail PTY Ltd. (AUS) Weta Marine Wetterwille Whitaker Marine (USA) Whitby Boat Works (CAN) Whitby Boat Works Ltd. (CAN) Whitby Brewer Sailboats White Brothers (UK) White Formula (UK) Whitecap Composites (USA) Whitewater Yachts (USA) Whiting Yachts (NZ) Whitney Corp. Whitney Operations Whitney Operations Inc. (USA) Wibo Yachts Widholms Industries Widholms Industries (SWE) Wieser Yacht (Austria) Wiggers Custom Yachts Ltd. Wilbur Ketcham (USA) Wilderness Boat Works Wilgate Ltd. (UK) William Boag (SCOTLAND) William King (UK) William King & R. Stone (UK) William Roberts (IRELAND) William Wall Wilmette Boat works Windboats Marine Windelo Catamaran Windelo Catamarans (FRA) Winder Boats (UK) Windjammer Yachts Windrider Sailing Trimarans Windrush Yachts (AUS) Windship Marine(CAN) Windship Yachts Windsor Brothers (UK) Windward Boatworks Windward Marine (USA) Windward Marine Ltd. (CAN) Windward Yachts (USA) Wing on Shing (HK) Winga Marin Winner Winner Boats S. L. (ESP) Winner Yachts Witness Catamarans (USA) Wood & McClure (USA) Woodnutt & Co (UK) Woodnutt & Co. Ltd. (UK) Woods Catamarans (UK) Worldcruiser Yacht Co Worth (TAIWAN) Wright-Built Boat Co.(USA) Wrighton Yachts (FRA) WUXI Shipyard (China) Wylie Cat Yachts (USA) X-Yachts X-Yachts (DEN) Xiamen Celestial Yacht Ltd Xiamen Hansheng Yacht Building Co. Ltd. Xquisite Yachts Xtreme Sailing Products Y Yachts Yacht Haven Ltd. (UK) Yacht Service Yacht Specialists S.A.Pty. Ltd. (AU) Yacht-Service Jenneskens Yachtbau-Lütje (GER) Yachten Polska Yachting France (FRA) Yachting Selection (FRA) Yachts John Trumpy & Sons (USA) Yachtsmiths International Inc. Yachtwerks (GER) Yachtworks (AUS) Yachtworks (AUSTRALIA) Yamaha Yankee Yachts Inc. (USA) Yelkovan Yachts York Custom Yachts Young Sun (TAIWAN) Youth Adventure Inc. Youth Adventure Inc./Puget Boat Mfg (USA) Zap Marine (USA) ZEN Yachts Zephyr Marine Zim Sailing (USA) Zonda Yachts (ARG) Zuanelli (Cantiere Zuanelli) Zygal Boats (UK)
Length 1.05 - 66.9 m
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