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SailWiki - What Is It?
This is a project for sailors and other peoples who wants to understand the variety of boats that were, are and will be developed all over the world.
Large DataBase
We collect data from all over the world from all shipyards and designers. We are constantly adding new info.
First-Hand Data
Primary data sources are manufacturers and designers. We provide a data entry interface directly to brand representatives. Сontact us if you want to add new data about your boats.
Our experts check and correct the data on the site. You can also send your comments by e-mail.
From Sailors to Sailors
Our project was created by passionate people in the world of yachting. We will be happy if we help other yachtsmen obtain more quality knowledge and structure this information.

Yachting Community
We want to bring together all sailors and people who love sails in one place. The language of this website is English, so that everyone can understand each other.
Expansion of New Projects
We will add new directions and new blocks to our website. Follow the changes and stay with us.